trails. – All Will Be Well (2021)

Malaysian Blackgaze mavericks, trails. returns in 2021 with their first full length album ‘All Will Be Will’. Picking up where ‘Towards Better Things’ EP left off in 2018, works for ‘All Will Be Well’ commenced in early 2019 and halted mostly throughout in 2020 when COVID-19 devastated the globe. This however, were not a setback but rather another boost for their already massive and heavy offering to date, with more rewritings and pre-productions done in isolation.
‘All Will Be Well’ offers 8 Blackgaze/Post-Black Metal-laden tracks revolving around family and relationship theme. Already dealing with heavy topic such as depression in the debut single ‘Discomposure’ back in 2018, the album delves further into topics that are close to their hearts, and view it from a different light.
Hollow, Eclipse and The Absent highlighted on family breaking apart and the effects when abandoment set in, further destroying the family structure.
Lukalara, their only Bahasa Melayu track deals about the devastating pain of losing a child.
No Human and Of Heaven put things into perspective about child living with Autism, which based from real experience by trails. members.
Autumn Wind reminisce the relationship between parents and child, and the fact nothing lasts forever in this world.
Lastly, All Will Be Hell is probably the most personal track by trails. speaking up about mistreatment of child leading up to abuse, murder and more unimaginable things we can’t really find the proper words to describe.
‘All Will Be Well’ is a cathartic output inspired from real life experience and materialized in form of their chaotic and uplifting Blackgaze style. Or as they put it, ‘a glint of hope in between the raging chaos’.
‘All Will Be Well’ was recorded between 2019 to 2021 at IseekMusic and trails. home studio.